

It was a bright Saturday morning. It was those kinds of days that everything seemed so perfect that you thanked God for the privilege of being alive. I was at home enjoying a well-deserved weekend rest when I heard a knock on the door. I asked who ever it was to feel free and come in. The door was pushed open and in came Belcy, my fiancΓ©e. I sprang up from the chair I was sitting and went to welcome her. I was expecting her to be happy to see me. She was usually an energetic kind of person and was always happy. However, today, she looked downcast and her face was sad. I wondered what could be the problem. Then, I remembered that she had told me the previous day that she had a doctor’s appointment on Saturday. Could that be the reason for the sadness?

“Welcome babe.” I said. “You don’t look happy is anything the matter?”

“No, I am not fine babe.” She said. “I went to see the doctor today and the results are not good.” 

My heart started beating fast. She had been complaining of pains around her abdomen for some weeks now. She could not go to the hospital because she didn’t have money. She was from a poor home and her parents were not well to do. 

They lived in the poor part of town while I and the rest of my family lived in a prestigious neighbourhood. She was not the type of girl that would pester you for money. That could explain why she had decided initially to keep her problems to herself. 

I was however, very observant and had noticed something was wrong with her. After questioning her, she finally confessed to me that she had been having a series of severe pains on the upper right side of her stomach. I had immediately given her money to go to the hospital for a proper checkup. 

“Tell me, babe. What do the results say?” I asked, already sweating.

“The doctor said I have cancer, baby. It’s already in the advanced stage.”

“Jesus Christ!!” I exclaimed. “You are not serious, are you?”

“I am serious babe. He said I had delayed coming to the hospital and the thing has eaten deep. He prescribed some drugs and has suggested chemotherapy. He said that was going to prolong my life for a while, but I don’t have a long time to live.” She said and slumped on the floor. She was crying seriously.

I almost joined her in weeping but I realized that I was the man and it was my duty to be strong for her. I had to be strong. 

“How long did the doctor say you have babe?” I asked, afraid of the response.

“Three months, give or take.”

“Oh my gosh! You are saying I am going to lose you in three months’ time? I can’t believe this. After all these years we have been together. All our plans about the future? All our hopes of getting married and growing old together? How about the triplets you promised to give me?” I lamented.

“What can I do now? Life has a way of foiling our plans. I don’t want to lose you. I don’t want to stay away from you. I don’t want to die and leave you. But as it is, this is what fate has brought to us. I am sorry babe.” She was in deep tears. 

“I won’t let you die, babe. I will do everything I can to make sure you don’t die. Remember I am supposed to travel abroad in two months’ time to further my studies overseas? I will forfeit it. I will make sure you go instead. I don’t trust these local hospitals and these local doctors. I will fly you abroad and get you a better diagnosis and treatment.” I said.

“But you know you can’t. Your parents have put a lot of money into this travelling program of yours. You are their only son. They want the best for you and they can’t allow you to forgo something as important as that for a poor helpless girl. I won’t want you to do that by the way. It’s my destiny. Let me just die.”

“God forbids!! You won’t die. What have you achieved in this life that you should die now?” I asked. 

I really wanted to do something to save Belcy, my love. She was not the kind of person who deserved such a painful and horrible death. She was so beautiful and kind and soft spoken. She came from a humble background and that has always made her to work hard and avoid trouble. She was the first daughter and had three younger ones after her. It was her place to make something out of her life so that she could take care of her younger ones. Look at what sickness is doing to her now?!

I have known her like forever. She was my classmate in the nursery school many years ago. I had always admired the way she did things in spite of her age. She was a very precocious little child and before long, she realized I was fascinated by her. We became good friends and visited each other several times. 

My parents were however, transferred and for many years, I lost contact with her. I only met her again when I was in the university. We fell in love immediately and have never separated. All those years I lost contact with her, she was constantly in my mind. I thanked and gave praises to God the day I found her again. Now, I am on the verge of losing her. I won’t allow that. I would do anything to save her, even if it means giving my own life in exchange.

“Don’t worry, babe. I will talk to my parents about it. I will talk to my mum first and she will know how to present it to my dad, ok?” I told her.

“If you say so, but I am scared. I don’t know what your parents will think of me. They might be very angry with me and cause trouble to my poor parents. My parents already have more than enough troubles to deal with. I don’t want anything that will increase their sadness.” She was adamant.

“Don’t worry, I will do anything for you. I will give it a try. If I don’t give it a try, how would I know if it would work or not. I can’t let you die, Belcy. You have to live. I will do everything I can. Please, wish me luck in this. I really need it.” 

“I wish you luck, my love.” She said, sadly. “Please, I have to go home now. Will you be so kind as to drive me home? I can barely walk.”

“Of course, of course. You don’t need to ask. It is your right, baby. I will take you home. As soon as my parents return home later this evening, I will tell them about everything. You will be fine, ok?”

“Your parents travelled?” She asked. 

“Yes, my dad went to get my mum from the airport. You know she hasn’t been in the country in a while now.”

“Ok babe. Please, be careful. If your parents resist, just let it go. At least I will die happily knowing your love for me was pure. Just promise me that you will let me die in your arms.” She said, in tears.

“Will you shut up?!” I almost shouted. “Stop sounding so negative and pessimistic. You break my heart when you do that. You will be fine, trust me. Now stay cool while I take you home and leave everything in my hands.”

We were now in her street. I drove slowly and carefully because they were children all around, playing carelessly on the road. About three minutes later, we got to her home. I opened the door for her, made sure she alighted safely and took her to their house. When I was sure she was safely inside, I went back to the car.

 As I drove back home, I made a strong resolve that come rain or highwater, I would do everything within my power to save Belcy.


(Written by πŸ‘‰  Tim's Stories)

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