I didn't know where to start from. I took in a deep breath before speaking.

    "Baby, I'm worried"

    "About what?" He asked with much concern. 

   "About us, what is your plan? Don't you think we need help or are you still going on with the divorce?"

  He breathed heavily before responding.

    "I'm not planning on proceeding with the divorce. I have forgiven you Nifemi. I have decided to give this marriage another chance"

    I stared deeply into Richard's eyes to be sure he wasn't just trying to 'put me on a barber's chair'. 

      "I'm serious Nifemi, I want us to make things work out again. I don't entirely blame you, I too am at fault. I should never have kept such a huge secret from you. I should have confessed to you and let you make a choice whether or not you want to embark on the journey with me. But I didn't do that , instead I did it the way I thought was best even with all the warnings from my sister. I was selfish, I was even thinking about how you would feel. I'm sorry Nifemi for not coming out plain "

     I diyd know what to say, I was short of words. I was overjoyed to hear that my husband wanted to give our marriage another chance. A tear dropped from my eye as I hugged Richard affectionately.

    "Thank you so much Richard , thank you so much....." I kept whispering.

     "I know it's not going to be that easy but we will overcome. Together we can fi*ght this battle" Richard said as we hugged tightly.

     "Richard , I promise you I will never h"urt you again, I promise my Love"

     "And I promise you I will never keep any secret away from you again" he said. We were in that emotional state for a while. For the first time after the misunderstanding, my husband kissed me. I couldn't tell the depth of my joy that night. We had a few romance before we  slept off. My sleep was sweet, I even dreamt of Richard and I having a set of twins. We named them Peter and Petra in the dream. When I woke up and told Richard about it, he laughed heartily. He told me the dream would soon come to pass and I screamed my Amen. Though I'd like to name my twins Oluwadarasimi and Momooreoluwa when I have them. 

     Richard and I soon started attending a counseling class. Things were getting better. Richard was also healing very fast. The marriage counselor said several things, he told us the disadvantages of couples keeping secrets from one another in marriage. We didn't hide anything from him, we told him about Richard's condition, my escapade with Jude and the pregnancy. We also told him about the quarrel and the miscarriage, so he was able to give the detailed and necessary counseling we needed. 

    He didn't forget to tell Richard and I that some things may come up that may want to challenge our resolution, especially Richard's stance on forgiveness, he told us if we can be strong and stand by each other , we would overcome. 

     I remember during one of his counseling session, he made mention of the importance of fecu*ndity test before marriage. He said it is advisable that both intending couples undergo  such test to avoid unnecessary emb*arrassment and hea"rtbreaks. 

    The man isn't just a marriage counselor, he's also a minister of the word of God. He prays with us each time we went for counseling. There were times he asked us to observe fasting and prayers . 

He recommended some books to us and they were very helpful. Some of the books taught about forgiving an unfaithful partner, some talked about building spiritual maturity in marriage and there were some that talked about balancing differences in marriage.

   Our spiritual state was getting better day by day. I shared my divine encounter at the hospital with my husband and he was very shocked. He has been hearing testimonies of people who saw angels or had encounter with the Lord while on the hospital bed or in the theatre but this was the first time, someone very close to him would be having such experience. He told me how sc*ared he was while I was in the hospital because it appeared as if I wouldn't survive it. I had lost too much b*lood, he believed it was truly a divine intervention that brought me back to life. 

My husband and I talked about several things. I told him I wanted to start working again but he insisted that I stay back at home until he was fully sure I could start working. He could pay all the bills but anytime he wasn't at home, I get bored. 

     I kept wondering why Jude has not been disturbing me, though I was glad he wasn't but I was worried about him.  What could have happened to him. Would it be wise if I visit Tracy to ask of him? But no, that will amount to fo*olishness. It's been a month now since the miscarriage and I've not heard anything from Jude. What is he planning? Or does he know about the miscarriage already? 

        Richard on the hand was really doing great. He bought me several things , even including the ones I didn't need. 

Exactly a month after the miscarriage, which was my birthday. Richard took  me out on a special treat. He had asked two days before if I would like to travel to Dubai for my birthday but I declined. I wanted a low key celebration on my birthday. It was my first birthday in my matrimonial home and Richard wanted an elaborate one but I didn't. We went to the beach, from there we went to an amusement park, then to a restaurant. 

Lastly we went to a boutique where he got me very expensive dresses and shoes, it got to a stage that I had to force him to stop buying, I know he can afford more than all he has bought but I didn't like the way the attendant was pushing different clothes and shoes on my husband, even the ones I didn't really like. Richard treated me like a Queen. A queen could not have been treated better. 

    Eventually we got home and Richard told me he has one last gift for me. I kept wondering what it was. 

      "Babe I have a unique gift for you. Something I have never given you before in my entire life"

     "What's it Love? I'm eager to know" 

   He moved closer , as if he wanted to whisper something into my ear but just then, he took my earlobe in his mouth. 

     I knew something was cooking, but what it is I don't know.

                          *** *** *** 

       Yes something was really cooking and what it is, now I know. I was smiling she*epishly as I laid my head on my husband's bare chest. 

     Richard and I just made love for the first time since we've been married. I can't believe it. In my widest imagination, I wouldn't have thought that was the unique gift he was talking about. It was really unique!

     Now I must confess this is the best gift I have ever received in my life. I just want to be receiving this kind of gift everyday of my life.

     "So when did you realize you could.....you know...I mean....." I wanted to ask Richard when he realized he was whole enough to perform his s*exual responsibility but I didn't really know how to put it. He noticed my une*asiness and laughed.

    "Actually it's been like two weeks ago but I deliberately waited to be very sure in order to avoid unexpected emb*arrassment. Moreso I wanted it special so I decided to wait until your birthday" he said.

    "I can't tell you how happy I am right now. I don't just feel like leaving your side" I said and he smiled. 

     "Babe we are now good to go. Our marriage is no longer under any form of challenge again" he said and I suddenly went silent because I was still thinking about Jude, what if he surfaces again from no where? I'm sure he's still coming back to ask about the pregnancy. When he comes, I hope he won't cause any fri*ction between my husband and I again? It was as if Richard read my mind. 

    "Are you worried about him?" He asked.

    I was startled, I didn't even know how to answer him or what to say. He too didn't wait long for my reply before telling me: 

     "I took care of it Nifemi, you don't have to worry about him any longer. He's a forgotten issue"

     Took care of him?

To be continued.……

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