10 ways to keep fresh new relationship feelings going on forever

Have you ever wonder why in your relationship every  sacrifice you made seems not much to her/him....??? Despite the quality time, money, sex, conversations you had with her/him...???😒 All in vain...?

Hold your breath, it's not only about how handsome/beautifully catchy sexy looking you're πŸ”₯ or the money, sex, materials you've provided her/him.

 Hymmm....!!!! You're really missing out alot, oh yes I mean a whole lot. You Know why...?  ✅You simply couldn't diagnose her/his primary love language......oh yeah

What's love language all about..? The key take away is this, in case you haven't heard of the five (5) love languages before, they were developed and garnered by Gary Chapman, (1995). In his book, Chapman posited that every person has a primary and secondary love language likewise there are five preferred ways (Love Languages) to express love to a romantic partner/mate.

These are:πŸ‘‡πŸ½πŸ‘‡πŸ½πŸ‘‡πŸ½πŸ‘‡πŸ½πŸ‘‡πŸ½

1. *WORDS OF AFFIRMATION:* This is when you show affection by expressing it verbally, through compliments or by thanking her/him for the few gestures.

2. *GIFTS:* This is when you show love by giving presents, big or small. Note: this language is where the thought counts the most.

3. *ACT OF SERVICE:* This is where you show your love by doing things for her/him. ✅πŸ₯³ You take out the trash, wash the dishes for her or you let her take a nap while you take care of the baby.

4. *QUALITY TIME:* This is where you show love by spending quality time with her/him. You give her/him your undivided attention while she/he tells you about her/his day, about what's bothering her/him and about her/his world view.

5. *PHYSICAL TOUCH:* This is when you show your love by hugging, kissing, tickling, playing "tag" or making passionate love to her/him.

πŸ™„I hope you find it suitable and mind - blowing right...? Fantastic!!! It works like a charm

πŸ’₯*IMPLICATIONS IN A RELATIONSHIP:* If you expressed your love in your preferred love language and she/he doesn't seem to appreciate it much as desired, then it's perhaps she/he doesn't speak the same love language as you and might resent it and feel unloved. So do you think you need to observe her/him closely what her/his primary love language is and slide accordingly.....?  Try it and thank SAKIA360SERVICES in the offing.

@please kindly share to safe a relationship

Reference: Chapman G. (1995). A dating guide on how to be in good relationship.

#Know your partner's primary love lang.

#Make adjustment

#Safe and sustained relationship



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